
buy expired domains research methodology

  list of research to buy an expired domain

go to

and sign up or login if u already registered

in that top search bar is there use that search bar to search required keyword

like news or tech some other

click on show filter

and check and unchekc unuseful things

so check only available domains

and click on additional -> select required tlds like country code or .com or .net

and check on no numbers and no hyphens

and majestic se

citation flow -5, trustflow -3, ext bl -15

le means - number of letters in that domain

bl : number of backlinks in related domain

dp: number of baclklinks from other domains

wby: from whois - data of birth of this domain

aby : data of birth from archive

acr; number of pages or number of results

alexa rank : one is good and lesser number is good like one million(

go to google dapa checker

go this wesite  submit bult domain to get clean score

for checking da and pa - moz

check for domains da pa spam score

da is 100 is good( 100 is maximum and o is minimum

pa 100 is good

ss is 1 % is good( more than 10% is not good)

check what data it has by agr( archive pages)

go to ahrefs 

check the how many backlinsk and how many reffreal links

search domain and select domain and url 

check what backlinks it has 

domain is simple to read , understand, and less lenght


DA 25 domains just need to count Domain Authority nothing else like Page Authority, TF, CF , RD etc. - free quotation for ur domain

free valuaitor

Domcop, Spam zilla, Ahref, Moz and

Good DA PA
Clean anchor text
Clean Backlink Profile (No Chinese)
Clean Way back

Available on any registrar

pending delete - goiing to expire

deleted domain- available to register


 list of research to buy an expired domain

how to buy expired domain ( expired domain research)

go to

and sign up or login if u already registered

in that top search bar is there use that search bar to search required keyword

like news or tech some other

click on show filter

and check and unchekc unuseful things

so check only available domains

and click on additional -> select required tlds like country code or .com or .net

le means - number of letters in that domain

bl : number of backlinks in related domain

dp: number of baclklinks from other domains

wby: from whois - data of birth of this domain

aby : data of birth from archive

acr; number of pages or number of results

alexa rank : one is good and lesser number is good like one million(

go to google dapa checker

go this wesite

check for domains da pa spam score

da is 100 is good( 100 is maximum and o is minimum

pa 100 is good

ss is 1 % is good( more than 10% is not good)

check what data it has by agr( archive pages)

go to ahrefs 

check the how many backlinsk and how many reffreal links

search domain and select domain and url 

check what backlinks it has 

domain is simple to read , understand, and less lenght



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