
Q : Some Basic Onpage SEO Tricks .

Ans : Here is like a simple list of Basic On-page SEO Stuff you need to know. Tried Best to Clear Everything. URL should be readable and catchy. SEO Title should consist of keyword proper attractive info. Meta description -Repeating keywords, character limit, readability. Page Title- Heading should be in an h1 tag, Primary keyword should present, Character Limit>16<64. Avoiding Keyword stuffing. Keyword Research using tools, Competitors, Google suggestions, etc., Focus on Long-tail keywords. Maintaining quality content and removing spam & dummy one. Optimizing content with a keyword. Only one h1 tag and should consist of your keyword. Using latent semantic Indexing techniques(LSI). 3 to 4 subheadings per page h2,h3etc, and consist of keywords. Call to action button. Content length (at least 1500 words). keyword ratio should be less than 3 %. Building internal links. Building an external link. Images at least 2 0r 3 per page, uploaded file name should be your keyword, Alt tag, optimized images. Creating and optimizing social profiles on the website. Increasing page speed. (Developer side) The page should be load less than 3 seconds. (Developer side) XML site map Generation/Updation. (Developer side) Robots.txt file generation/ Updation. Working on asset Minification, asset compression, asset catchability. (Developer side) Checking broken links, page 404 not found URLs on a website. Avoiding Black-Hat SEO and White-Hat SEO techniques. CDN Usage. SSL certification, etc.,
